Why We Love Taproots


Taproots are a straight tapering root growing vertically downward and forming the center from which subsidiary rootlets spring. Taproot systems are key to maintaining the integrity and health of our soils. Our pigs have a sweet tooth and are drawn to the sugars on the sweet tops of our root vegetable pasture. This dual purposed hardy taproot system provides a double dipping effect and gives our taproot and soil system the ability to repair and regulate soil health.


Here are some of the hardy taproots you can find on the hillsides of Uproot Meats:

●     Buckwheat

●     Flax

●     Tall Fescue


●     Red Clover

●     Rye

●     Turnips

●     Wild Carrots

●     Rutabaga

●     Sweet Potatoes

●     Beets

We also partner with our local community to repurpose non-consumable food waste including Rogue Creamery certified organic whey and cheeses, and food from our local restaurants, food banks and orchards.

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